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Janaki Lene Jarstein 

- Trauma Coach

- Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

- NARM Master Practitioner

- Compassionate Inquiry In-training

- Polyvagal Informed

- Yoga and Meditation Teacher

- Workshop Facilitator


"Trauma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside us in the absence of a compassionate witness."


With my body-oriented approach to working with trauma, I accompany you on your journey of self-exploration in search for the full embodiment of your authentic self, a deep-felt trust in life, and the capacity for connection to self and others in meaningful interpersonal relationships.

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Therapeutic Practice

When we again come into contact with the parts of ourselves 

that have been hidden, disowned and rejected,

we enter into a process of real healing and true spiritual awakening.

I am experienced in working with areas such as

- anxiety

- depression


- addiction

- complex trauma

- emotional trauma

- developmental trauma

- relationship trauma

- sexual and sexuality trauma

- chronic pain

- sleep disorders

- irritable Bowel Syndrome

- identity issues




The essence of trauma is disconnection, and healing trauma is in essence a process of re-connection - "healing" means to become whole again.

They say that there is "nothing wrong with us that what is right with us can't fix"! And, indeed, inside all of us there is a life force, an authenticity, longing to come into life. We experience symptoms because the inherent life force flowing within each of us wants to bring the parts of us that has been shut down into the connection of love and life again; our triggers and pains are not out to get us, they are showing us where we have open wounds that need love, attention and healing.


- The physical symptoms we experience are often a result of a chaos in the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), a dysregulation of survival responses such as the stress related fight and flight, and the collapsed and shut down "play dead" states. We can befriend our ANS and teach it how to regulate better. 

- The way we show up in the world, as well as the way we relate to people (our relationships) are mainly learnt from the environment we grew up in, and as we come to understand them, we can re-learn.

- Emotions that have been stuck in our systems for long times can find their way through, to be processed and integrated. 


It is in this spirit and from this perspective I hope to guide you on your trauma healing journey. I can not tell you what to do nor, can I fix your broken parts for you, but together we hold an open, curious space where you can move towards the place inside yourself where you can find your own well of resources and healing powers. 



A trauma healing process may include:


- Exploring adaptive survival strategies.


- Befriending and learning to be the driver of the autonomic nervous system (ANS).


- Finding safety in your own body (again), so that it may be a safe home to live in.


- Processing and integrating, in the body, the energy of incomplete emotional responses such as grief, protest, anger/rage, etc. 


- Completing stuck responses and restoring boundaries and access to healthy aggression. 


- Opening up to and integrating difficult feelings and senses of self that have been shut down.


- Discovering and reconnecting with resources.


- Building more capacity for contact and relationships.



I offer my work on the background of the following education, training and work experience: click here.

Offers and Prices this page
Therapeutic practice

Offers and prices

Individual Trauma Therapy Session                           60 min - I offer a sliding scale from  1100 - 900kc  


                                                                                                 90 min - I offer a sliding scale from  1600 - 1250kc


Couple Therapy Session                                                 60 min - 1500czk 


                                                                                                90 min - 2100czk


Yoga Therapy Session                                                     60 min - 900czk



Prices for clients outside of the Czech Republic may vary, please contact me for details, thank you!



It is my concern to make my work as compassionate and attuned as possible.


"Janaki is a compassionate person and it is easy to feel trust in her presence. I always feel lighter after a session with her, more at ease, and I see the effects spreading out in to the situations in my life. Thanks to the sessions with her I feel better and more able to be in contact with people and express my energy."

Esila, Turkey

"You are a very special person to me and our sessions are very special to me. I think everyone should have some sessions like this to explore their topics and become more conscious of themselves and feel better with them selves. Thank you."

Bara, Brno

"This approach to healing is very interesting for me as I feel the dept

of the effects due to the body-orientation and how we constantly seek to find and ground the experiences in the body. It is something special."

Dawid, Krakov

"Wonderful Janaki! I couldnt think of anyone better to offer such a beautiful combination of skill, knowledge, feeling and empathy!​"

Mirja. Köln

"Janaki is a great person and very trustworthy - I wish her all the best."

Martina, Köln

"It was a very pleasant session. I did not know what to expect but I was feeling I a good way surprised by the way I was met and I felt seen and the way we kept being on the relevant points of my topic."

Jitka, Brno

"In the sessions with you I feel safe and able to connect with some inner experiences which I have not felt before. It is a interesting and also joyful experience. I am looking forward to keep finding new places in myself to connect with."

Anna, Berlin

"I have done many talking therapies before, but the never really worked, I didn't feel better, but now I can feel the change in my body and it is making me more safe and less anxious. I am happy! Thank you. 

Martina, Czechia"

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My Tools


Somatic Experiencing is a trauma healing module that understands the underlying physiology of trauma. Trauma sits in the body and therefore the process of healing and resolving trauma must access the body.


SE seeks to bring stability to our underlying system. Just like a house built on a shaky foundation can not weather any storms, a dysregulated nervous system can not contain the ups and downs of life. 


Throughout an SE session, we will focus a lot on noticing and listening to your body sensations, so as to recognize where your energy is stuck and what needs to be completed in order to free that energy and bring you out of the stuckness back into the flow of life. 



NeuroAffective Relation Model understands how early trauma affects our self-image and capacity for relationships. Trauma does not only come from the bad things that happen to us, but also from the good things that should have happened - but did not. 


As human beings we are wired for connection and when we struggle to form meaningful relationships with others our life quality suffers dramatically.


In a NARM session I hold a safe space and help you explore: your sense of identity, your relationship to your self, the way in which you relate to and form relationships with others, as well as your relationship to your needs, your emotions, your truths and your sexuality.

All the time we make space for anything that comes from inside you to the surface and give time for completion of responses and integration of information.


Compassionate Inquiry is an approach to understanding  early childhood trauma, and the effects early traumatic experiences have on our capacity to be present and live authentically. Authenticity vs connection play a big role in relational and emotional trauma, and the CI approach inquires into the roots of adaptive strategies and explores how we may show up for the parts of ourselves that did not receive the support, and met in the way they needed.  


CI also has a particular way of understanding and working with addictions and addictive behaviours, as well as the role of trauma in physical ailments. 


A CI session aims to be attuned and connected, and to offer support and care to parts of ourselves that have been left behind. 

Yoga in Healing Trauma

"A steady yoga practice has proven to be more effective in the role of healing trauma, than any medication researched." 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Bessel van der Kolk

Because trauma is in the body, working with the body is imperative in the process of healing trauma. No amount of talking is in itself sufficient to bring our physiology from the frozen stuckness of trauma and back into life. 


A steady yoga practice that is trauma oriented and follows your pace and your needs is an extremely powerful tool, which you have in your own hands, on your journey of healing your trauma and awakening. 


Together we can develop a practice that suits your particular needs, and I will teach you how to practice - because in yoga, how we practice is at least as important as what we practice. 

The Polyvagal Theory offers an understanding of the workings of our autonomic nervous system both as a protector and a seeker of connection. As humans we are wired for connection, and our autonomic nervous systems attunes to and communicates with each other all the time. We are looking for people to connect with, and where we need to stay away. 


In trauma we may get stuck in survival responses of stress/anxiety or shut down/depression, and then our capacity for connection is compromised, and we may experience physiological symptoms as a result of internal dysregulation. 


The Polyvagal Theory offers insight into why we feel the way feel and behave the way we behave from a systemic level. We can learn to become operators of our own nervous systems by learning to tune in and befriend our unique and individual organisation of responses and triggers. 


Here is a video explaining the Polyvagal Theory from the Polyvagal Institute: 

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Contact me to book a session!

​Feel free to contact me in full confidentiality with any questions or queries you may have, 

I'll be happy to answer to the best of my ability. 


You can reach me on 731 761 359 (I have bad reception at my house so if you can't reach me by phone, try Whatsapp)

Or write me an email:

Or message me on facebook


You can also reach me through the contact form. 


I am looking forward to hearing from you!


Contact Me

Offers and prices

You can read more about my offers and prices here.

Opletalova 6 / Gorkeho 44

602 00 Brno

731 761 359

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