I have always been fascinated by what it really means to be human, and interested in human
development and potential. My journey has been steadily moving along the exploration of that.
I am originally from Norway, but my own path of healing and self discovery started for real in a
yoga ashram in India in 2003. At that time, I was feeling out of place in myself and in my body, and my
life lacked a sense of meaning. This ashram experience was to change my life forever.
I discovered a journey inwards to myself and I found a connection to my own inner truths that made
sense to me. There I also received my spiritual name: Janaki.
My yoga practice is still the base of my life. It keeps me healthy, and ever since I started practicing
regularly I have not felt the deep hopelessness or the depressive states that I previously suffered from.
In order to go deeper into healing my own trauma, I also delved into the western scientific approaches
to mind, body and spirit, to trauma and trauma healing, and I have gained a deep understanding of the functions of the brain and the nervous system - the role of our nervous system in trauma, as well as in human connection and relationships.
I am passionately discovering how the mind and body is working in unison and where the eastern philosophy and western science meet to fulfill each other in profound ways - uncovering this wonder of being human!
I have traveled a lot, through Europe and Asia. I have met many cultures and lived many places. I have successfully worked in therapeutic practices both in London and Berlin. Now I am happy to have landed in Brno with my Czech partner.
My passions extend to many creative and self-expressive activities such as singing, dancing, playing music, and theater. I enjoy writing and drawing, teaching, and also working in our wonderful garden.
In working with clients I love to experience how transformation happens in the process, and to accompany both the process and you as a client with attention and gentleness.
I am honoured and touched by being allowed to be present and share in the experience - it is a gift to support the unfolding of your own beauty and authenticity.

I offer my work on the background of the following education, training and work experience:
Trauma therapy trainings:
- Somatic Experiencing 3-year professional training (SE) (by Dr. Peter A. Levine)
- NeuroAffective Relational Model 2-year professional training (NARM) (by Dr. Laurence Heller)
- Trauma and emotional completion (NARM)
- SE and Essential Strategies for Healing Sexual Trauma (by Ariel Giarretto)
- Trauma and touch (work by Dr. Sonia Gomes)
- Compassionate Inquiry 1-year professional training (CI) (by Dr. Gabor Mate)
- Yoga psychology (as by Bihar School of Yoga)
Bodywork trainings:
- Healing sexual trauma (developed through tantric massages and touchwork)
- Holistic massage training (ITEC - London School of Massage)
- Deep tissue massage training (Gateway workshops, London)
- LomiLomi massage training (Way of therapy, London)
- YinYang Massage (by Andro, Berlin)
- Tantra Massage (Diamond Lotus, Berlin)
Yogic trainings:
- Yoga teacher training (Satyananda Yoga Academy Europe (SYAE))
- Yoga Certification and deepening courses (Bihar School of Yoga)
- Ashram life and yogic living studies (Satyananda Yoga Ashram Greece)
- Management of various ailments and disorders through yogic sciences (SYAE)
Self developed:
- Yoga for physical ailments,
- Healing Trauma through Yoga,
- Workshop on Emotional Embodiment and Emotional Regulation,
- Workshop on Emotional Health and Well-being
- Workshop on Understanding the Autonomic Nervous System and Polyvagal Theory,
- Workshop on Self-Regulation,
- Workshop on Stress management,
- Connecting the understanding of western science and yogic physiology and philosophy.
Working experience:
It is my immense joy and honour to offer individual and couples trauma healing sessions!
I no longer do hands-on body-work or massages.
My current focus is deepening my capacity to work with trauma and do trauma coaching sessions, developing workshops and ways of offering the trauma information and trauma healing work to as many people as possible, as well as integrating trauma healing with Yoga practices and classes.
- Individual and couples trauma therapy and coaching sessions since 2016
- Yoga and meditation teacher since 2014
- Body worker 2010-2017